• It is easy to let the wonders of modern medicine infiltrate our consciousness - to believe that ‘science’ has continued to discover the magic elixirs and potions that fix our dis-ease and bring us health. But much of what we believe could be fictional, as it is easy to accept quick relief as a cure - even though our malady may continue to plague us, with side-effects of the magic drug suddenly overtaking the benefit that we thought we were achieving.  It is easy to fall into a vicious cycle...

  • As the world continues to experience supply chain difficulties due to the past two years of mixed messaging and economic disruptions, companies that many have grown to ‘trust’ are failing in their ability to produce. This even includes pharmaceutical companies and most recently has created a nationwide shortage of a drug used to treat ADHD.  People who have become dependent on this medication to live day-to-day now find themselves without anything to actually help their symptoms (or maybe better said, cover their symptoms). How did we get here?  For decades...

  • At That's Natural, we are the first to admit that there is a 'pill for everything' - but that most of most pills are synthesized (that is how a pharmaceutical company gets a patent for their drug) and can have side-effects in your human body.  Granted, if they are bringing relief and an improvement of quality of life - that is great.  However, there are probably some situations and circumstances when it comes to Big Pharma where the motive is profit over 'helping people'.  We may be wrong, but we...

  • Memorial Day is a sad day for our country in that we mourn the deaths of American Soldiers. However, it is also a day, more than any, to celebrate freedom! Freedoms are guaranteed by the constitution; freedom is something that shouldn't be a privilege, but a given; freedom is what should make us human! A That's Natural!, freedom is what we've stood for from the beginning! We stand for Food Freedom; We Stand for Medicine Freedom; we stand for freedom of religion, expression, petition, etc... To us, Memorial Day is...

  • If you want to experience the Entourage Effect, we believe it is imperative that you preserve the naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes that exist in healthy hemp plants.  To do this, would seem simple, but so many people in the industry have taken steps to refine and adulterate their product to make it “more potent”.  Nature’s potency isn’t qualified by quantity, but QUALITY. At That’s Natural, we never take anything out of our oil and we never add anything back in - the CBD-rich (and other cannabinoids and terpenes as well) hemp oil...

  • At That’s Natural, we believe it is your natural and constitutional right to use natural, plant-based medicines.  Non-psychoactive cannabinoids, like CBD (stands for Cannabidiol) have been studied in the past two decades, and the research is showing many potential positive applications. From The Huffington Post: Cannabidiol is a cannabis compound without the psychoactive effects of THC. Scientific and clinical research—much of it sponsored by the US government—underscores CBD’s potential as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, MS, chronic pain, schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, epilepsy, and other neurological...