• Your body is under constant attack from environmental factors that deplete your Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and can contribute to decreased immune system function as well as a host of other issues and diseases that stem from a weakened immune system. Whether it is the food and chemicals that we are exposed to when ingesting genetically modified organisms or ingredients that may not be as safe as we think they are; or exposure to environmental toxins - plastics and endocrine-disrupting nanoparticles - on our clothes, in the water, and in our...

  • There may be “excellent medical benefits” to the right combination of cannabinoids binding to the naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors in our Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Researchers and professionals in the medical industry have recently learned of a condition called “endocannabinoid deficiency”.  What they have found is that a shortage of endocannabinoids in one’s body can cause the nervous system and immune system to have issues - resulting in pain and inflammation.  Endocannabinoids are the essential substances that our bodies make naturally to stimulate the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the ECS. ...

  • You know how important it is to understand anything that you are putting in or on your body, and That's Natural wants to help provide you with resources that will make it simpler.   One of science's most recent and exciting discoveries, is that of human's Endocannabinoid System (ECS).  You are probably familiar with how we have compartmentalized different parts and functions within the body - Digestive System, Respiratory System, Nervous System, etc. - the ECS is different, because it ultimately ends up affecting every single 'system' in your body.   Health...

  • It is easy to let the wonders of modern medicine infiltrate our consciousness - to believe that ‘science’ has continued to discover the magic elixirs and potions that fix our dis-ease and bring us health. But much of what we believe could be fictional, as it is easy to accept quick relief as a cure - even though our malady may continue to plague us, with side-effects of the magic drug suddenly overtaking the benefit that we thought we were achieving.  It is easy to fall into a vicious cycle...

  • If you look at our testimonials on our website, you will see that people experience a wide range of positive effects from taking our trusted CBD-rich hemp oil. We have even had pharmacists ask us, “how is it that CBD can help so many people with so many diverse ailments”?  From Vator News: Cannabinoids make up a group of diverse yet closely related chemical compounds that interact with cannabinoid receptors throughout the mammalian body. In other words, the body has built-in mechanisms for producing and processing cannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system,...

  • Tisha Casida and part of the That's Natural Team at the International Cannabis Research Conference in Pueblo, Colorado at Colorado State University Did you know that That's Natural was one of the first CBD companies to start selling authentic, raw CBD oil in Colorado?  As a company, we were established in 2005, and in 2015 we were given the opportunity to launch our very own line of products - and the rest has been history! As one of the most established and trusted CBD companies in the country, we take our...


  • Most all of us can fall into the trap of feeling stressed during the Holidays.  Whether it is travel, work, sleep schedules, family (even though we love them), or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - we understand that we all can feel anxious and "down" before and after the Winter Solstice. But not to fear... That's Natural has you covered with our trusted Raw CBD Oil Drops and Gummies, that are sure to help you during these trying times! We even have our "Calm Down Pack" which has both of them!...

    | in Calm Down |

  • If you are looking for immune system support, in addition to helping your body detox from a variety of factors, one of the most important things to include in your repertoire is the Essential Oil of Oregano (EOO). Oregano's properties have been known for centuries - this amazing herb is: antimicrobial, antifungal, bactericidal, antiviral, in addition to being an antioxidant, antiproliferative, and anti-inflammatory!  That basically equals = GOOD FOR EVERYTHING! That's Natural is special because in our Detox CBD Drops we include organic oregano oil infused with our proprietary blend of raw...

  • The Good News Is... You Can't Go Wrong!  :) Whether you are a new or a 'seasoned' CBD user, it is sometimes a conundrum to decide which That's Natural CBD product to start with. If you are wanting to take your CBD internally, the two options we have for you are our CBD Oil Drops and our CBD Gummies.  The reason that we don't have capsules is because the effectiveness of the CBD in capsules is diminished significantly because it is very important for your tongue/pallet to taste the herb that...


  • It has inevitably arrived - the season of sickness.  For the past three years we have lived on-edge wondering what may happen as the Seasons predictably change, and so too does our immunity to whatever is going around. NOT TO FEAR!  We have the perfect immune support solution that couples our raw CBD with Infuse organic turmeric and wild oregano to not only boost immunity but also help your body detox from invasive germs, parasites and genetic material that may be running rampant through your body. Wellness starts with healthy...

  • You probably have seen the bumper stickers that say "Know Farmers, Know Food" - wouldn't it stand to reason that when it comes to our other supplements that we put into our body, that this is just as important? At That's Natural, we know that is the case - and it is actually IMPERATIVE that you know your farmers because that is the only way to ensure you are getting happy and healthy hemp plants to extract your CBD! Most companies just settle for 'CBD Isolate' that increases 'potency' but...

  • At That's Natural, we have had the blessing of being one of the first companies to enter the CBD space in Colorado after the passage of Amendment 64.  We have seen the entire drama, play out before our eyes, watching as many bad actors fled into the CBD space to 'make a buck' by either creating a white-label product with zero traceability or creating 'pump and dump' schemes to raise investor capital but never actually produce anything that helps and heals people. That means, if you have tried CBD in...