• Oregano is an herb that is packed full of positive benefits for your immune health. You may have heard that oregano is known for naturally being antibacterial (this is from a monoterpenic phenol called carvacrol; and thymol, an antifungal isomeric analog of carvacrol)… look at all of the other precious plant compounds that you can find in this powerhouse ingredient!  P-cymene: A monoterpene that has shown to have the properties of: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, immunomodulatory, and MORE! Thymoquinone: A phytochemical compound that has been shows to have the properties...

  • Your body is under constant attack from environmental factors that deplete your Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and can contribute to decreased immune system function as well as a host of other issues and diseases that stem from a weakened immune system. Whether it is the food and chemicals that we are exposed to when ingesting genetically modified organisms or ingredients that may not be as safe as we think they are; or exposure to environmental toxins - plastics and endocrine-disrupting nanoparticles - on our clothes, in the water, and in our...

  • There may be “excellent medical benefits” to the right combination of cannabinoids binding to the naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors in our Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Researchers and professionals in the medical industry have recently learned of a condition called “endocannabinoid deficiency”.  What they have found is that a shortage of endocannabinoids in one’s body can cause the nervous system and immune system to have issues - resulting in pain and inflammation.  Endocannabinoids are the essential substances that our bodies make naturally to stimulate the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the ECS. ...

  • If you are looking for immune system support, in addition to helping your body detox from a variety of factors, one of the most important things to include in your repertoire is the Essential Oil of Oregano (EOO). Oregano's properties have been known for centuries - this amazing herb is: antimicrobial, antifungal, bactericidal, antiviral, in addition to being an antioxidant, antiproliferative, and anti-inflammatory!  That basically equals = GOOD FOR EVERYTHING! That's Natural is special because in our Detox CBD Drops we include organic oregano oil infused with our proprietary blend of raw...

  • It has inevitably arrived - the season of sickness.  For the past three years we have lived on-edge wondering what may happen as the Seasons predictably change, and so too does our immunity to whatever is going around. NOT TO FEAR!  We have the perfect immune support solution that couples our raw CBD with Infuse organic turmeric and wild oregano to not only boost immunity but also help your body detox from invasive germs, parasites and genetic material that may be running rampant through your body. Wellness starts with healthy...

  • Start NOW to Build (or Re-Build) Your Immunity! Still having issues from Long COVID or Viral Shedding? Cold/Flu Season is coming... Be Prepared! That’s Natural 3-Part Detox Immune-Repair SOLUTION Oregano Oil Infusion Fresh, organic oregano is used to prepare a solar-infused virgin olive oil that is full of the nutrients your body needs to get rid of toxins and detoxify from invasive genetic matter found in some injections. Turmeric Oil Infusion Organic turmeric is infused in organic grapeseed oil, bringing your body the necessary tumerones (a bioactive compound) for neural regeneration. Raw CBD...

  • Navigating the wicked world that we live in today can leave your body, mind, and spirit feeling fatigued and poisoned.  It is coming to light that many people, against their will and better judgement, may have things put inside their body that are causing harm.  This can be terrifying, but at That's Natural we believe in the healing that plants offer us - the awesome potential to recover from even the WORST of poisons! There are so many herbs available to help you detox, in this post we have simply...

  • We LOVE to hear from our amazing customers!  Hear inspiring testimonials on our That's Natural Premium RAW CBD on our blog www.thatsnatural.info! One of our long-time customers who uses our That's Natural CBD Oil Drops told us that because of our product that she was able to build up the strength she needed to be able to have surgery on her shoulder!  Our product helped build up her immunity and now this is helping her to experience better levels of pain-free mobility! *** ****** ********* If you want to experience the Entourage...

  • At That's Natural, the satisfaction of our customers is valued and their input very helpful. Many grocers in the valley are corporations and each individual customer is only considered a number and most products come from various locations and warehouses around the world. "Local" can have many meanings and benefits. We believe that products being grown and made near to us and knowing where and who they come from should be essential! At That's Natural, all of the hemp grown for the CBD products we sell are grown in Southwestern...

  • Trichomes on the hemp/cannabis plant are where the majority of cannabinoids, like CBD (but not limited to CBD) exist.  These tiny little crystal-like hairs are barely visible to the eye.  The above photo shows them on the same type of hemp plant that That’s Natural uses for its CBD-rich hemp oil products.  This picture was taken using a low-power microscope. Whole plant cannabinoids (and naturally occurring terpenes) are present in CBD oils that are extracted as oil from the plants themselves - and not further processed beyond that point.  The oil, which...

  • Well, if there is one thing that is blatantly obvious from 2020 - it is that your immune system is extremely important when it comes to battling the forces of nature.  With COVID-19, with ANY virus, it is imperative that you create a healthy lifestyle that supports your immune function. Plant-based foods and medicines have been used for centuries to help humans battle and combat pathogens and viruses - we have arguably evolved with plants for as long as we both have been on Earth.  Cannabis, or hemp, is just...

    | in Immunity |

  • We LOVE to hear from our happy customers across the country and across the world!  Here is someone using our products for pain relief!   A customer called in to re-order and said that she was unfortunately experiencing Shingles.  She said that our That’s Natural products were the only thing bringing her pain relief!  She mentioned that the doctors were trying to give her all kinds of different things to relieve the pain, but the only thing that was actually helping her was to put the That’s Natural Super Salve...