The Endocannabinoid System & CBD (Cannabidiol)

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That's Natural CBD Man

You know how important it is to understand anything that you are putting in or on your body, and That's Natural wants to help provide you with resources that will make it simpler.


One of science's most recent and exciting discoveries, is that of human's Endocannabinoid System (ECS).  You are probably familiar with how we have compartmentalized different parts and functions within the body - Digestive System, Respiratory System, Nervous System, etc. - the ECS is different, because it ultimately ends up affecting every single 'system' in your body.


Health practitioners and natural medicine/holistic medicine advocates have talked about such a synergistic way of looking at the body for thousands of years.  Treating the whole body, versus simply singling out one part of the system, is an approach that may have much more positive results for medicine in general.  The Endocannabinoid System represents the whole-body approach to potentially treating disease.


Cannabinoids (found in many different plants, and produced naturally by human beings) act as 'neuromodulators'  - regulating diverse populations of neurons.  Pain sensation and motor learning are some of these processes - although many other physical and mental processes are affected as well.


One of the most studied cannabinoids is that of Cannabidiol, or CBD.  Cannabidiol has been studied for its effects on: inflammation, regulation of pain, digestive system issues, skin problems, and cancer.  There are around 84 other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant - as research grows, we will learn more about these other cannabinoids.


Our hemp (used for our That's Natural line of products), grown to be high in levels of cannabinoids, can be extracted to produce hemp oil that is then rich in CBD.  This is not hemp seed oil (coming from the seeds), instead, it is hemp oil (coming from the stems and the leaves) - you may even think of it as an essential oil, as it is a very potent extraction (extracted using supercritical CO2 extraction) of the hemp plant.


Many companies are making claims about products containing CBD, at That's Natural, we highly encourage you to ask these four critical questions about the CBD you are planning on purchasing.

In Food and Medicine Freedom,

The TN! Team

P.S. Here's also a guide to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help you with your decisions about what and how to take our That's Natural CBD!