• There's a million choices when it comes to CBD - but there is only company that is dedicated to bringing you the most pure, raw form of CBD Oil available... and that company is That's Natural! Most companies are using CBD distillate and CBD isolates, which are easier to 'work with' when it comes to production, but use chemical solvents to make them that way.  At That's Natural we NEVER USE ANY solvents whatsoever - this ensures you are getting the most pure form of CBD Oil available. Raw makes...

  • If you have heard the adage "Know Your Farmer", then you probably have contemplated how important it is to know who is growing your food.  Soil quality, water quality, dedication to organic and sustainable inputs, and LOVE all create the products that end up fueling and building our bodies.  Of course, EVERYTHING matters when we grow food - and all of these things matter when we grow hemp for high-quality CBD. At That's Natural, we go WAY beyond what most CBD companies are doing to create a premium, safe, potent,...

  • What makes That's Natural CBD products so effective?  It is actually quite simple - we let NATURE do her work!  We only use true raw full-spectrum CBD Oil that is never adulterated in ANY way.  No chemical solvents are ever used and no artificial/foreign terpenes are ever added back in.  When we say "Full Spectrum" - we mean the true, natural full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes that occur naturally in our healthy Colorado hemp plants.  You WILL see, smell, taste, and FEEL the difference! ******** Have you thought about trying...

  • Have you thought about trying CBD but are you worried about the type of product you may end up with?  Have you tried a CBD product without feeling any positive difference, or did it actually make you feel unwell? Most CBD products are "white-labeling" their products from companies with unknown origins and traceability. They simply "slap a label" on the product and sell it to people.  They don't know where their hemp was grown, they don't know how it was processed, they don't know what level of care was put into it -...

  • Did you know that in Ayurveda that taste (rasa) is an integral part of the healing experience?  Actually tasting, smelling, and fully experiencing the product – is what helps your body understand and recognize what it is ‘dealing’ with. At That’s Natural, we are dedicated to bringing you a truly natural and raw CBD oil that you can smell and TASTE.  We believe that a product should be truly nourishing to your body – and we want our product to truly help people!  This IS our marketing plan!  : )  When people feel better, they...

  • At That's Natural, we have served our amazing customers for 15 years.  Our dedication has always been to promoting products and services that help and heal people.  And our communities and world all need a lot of help and healing. We are dedicated to creating nutrient-dense and raw products that retain the precious plant compounds that Nature intended to be in our healthy Colorado hemp plants.  This means never cutting corners - never using CBD Isolate, and always ensuring traceability and transparency to ensure a pure and potent product. Whether...

  • If you have thought about trying CBD but feel overwhelmed by your internet search for a reputable company - we understand!  That's Natural has been a company for almost 15 years now, serving customers in Colorado and beyond - and for the past 5 years we have seen the 'Wild West' of the cannabis industry and you have a right to feel a little leery of trying most CBD products! Because you can "get" (not grow/produce/harvest) CBD very inexpensively (this is probably CBD Isolate and probably coming from overseas, likely China)...

  • Plants have been used to help heal people for thousands of years - way before pharmaceutical companies were able to manipulate molecules with technology - plants were held in high esteem for not only the nutrients that allow the human body to thrive, but also the thousands (maybe millions) of precious plant compounds that aid in the healing of our bodies and minds. From the Journal Article “History of cannabis as a medicine: a review”: The use of cannabis as a medicine by ancient Chinese was reported in the world's oldest pharmacopoeia, the...

  • It's easy to see why people may be suspicious of CBD and CBD products - this cannabinoid has taken center stage and seems to be in almost everything - from donuts to shampoo and beyond. At That's Natural, we have always been dedicated to plant-based medicines and know and understand the importance of this concept.  It goes way beyond "making a buck" and making sure that we improve our "bottom line".  We know that we will continue to build a thriving company by DOING WHAT IS RIGHT.  And what is right,...

  • CBD has properties in it that can, simply put, improve quality of life. At That's Natural!, our goal is to create a product for the customer - never in the hands of a corporation with stockholders who only care about the bottom line - and ALWAYS all natural. Nature provides the greatest remedy and we want to bring that to you! Our all-natural Supercritical CO2 extraction process leaves the most raw, potent & NATURAL product on the market, leaving it with the most potential to positively impact your health and happiness!...

  • That's Natural has been serving customers since 2005 and bringing the most raw, powerful, and potent CBD products for over five years now! We were one of the pioneers in the industry, and have been able to witness a whole lot of "hoopla" with people and companies just trying to 'make a buck'.  We know what they are up to, and we are here to serve our customers in a COMPLETELY different way! What makes us different, is not only our amazing products that are full of the most RAW...

  • At That's Natural, we know how important it is to keep products that you consume (internally or topically) as close to nature as possible - meaning the less refining and processing - THE BETTER! Our CBD-Rich oil products are full of the naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes that our healthy Colorado hemp plants came with.  That's right - we use the NATURAL and RAW oil straight from the hemp plant.  We never take anything out using extreme heat or chemical solvents.  We never put anything back in like cannabinoids and...