
True and Natural Full Spectrum Cannabinoids & Terpenes from That’s Natural!

| in Buyer Beware, Cannabinoids, Full Spectrum, Terpenes |

Endocannabinoid deficiency - a lack of cannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, and terpenes may contribute to pain and disease.  Supplementing with a high-quality full spectrum CBD-rich hemp oil may help!  See more about That’s Natural full spectrum CBD Oil at www.cbdoil.life and www.thatsnatural.info and find our products at Thats Natural Life Force Market in Basalt, Colorado right outside of Aspen

At That’s Natural, we know that consumers will be barraged with CBD products claiming to be ‘full spectrum’.  The truth is, that most of these products use CBD isolate and they may ‘add back in’ cannabinoids or terpenes from different sources.  These are NOT the naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes that are the natural genetic profile of the cannabis plants that they are using.

At That’s Natural, we NEVER add anything back in to our products.  The cannabinoid and terpene profile that you will find in our premium CBD oil is from the superior genetics of our Colorado-grown hemp plants.  

The That’s Natural cannabinoids include: CBD (Cannabidiol), CBDa (Cannabidiolic Acid), CBC (Cannabichromene), CBG (Cannabigerol), and CBN (Cannabinol).

The That’s Natural terpene profile includes: beta-myrcene, linalool, d-limonene, alpha-pinene, humulene, beta-caryophyllene.

By using a supercritical CO2 extraction process, to extract the CBD oil from our hemp plants - we preserve all of these naturally occurring precious plant compounds.  In addition to superior genetics and processing - every other ingredient that you find in our products are full of life force.

hemp-derived CBD, legal in all 50 States, That’s Natural Farms - Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and the Entourage Effect with Supercritical CO2 extraction- CBD Oil from Colorado hemp legal in all 50 States - from Thats Natural at cbdoil.life and thatsnatural.info

hemp-derived CBD, DHHS - Why does the government have a patent on cannabinoids - Denver Post article on government patent on CBD and Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids - see more research and news from That's Natural at www.cbdoil.life and www.thatsnatural.info