What makes That's Natural products so different? The biggest difference is that we are driven by helping our customers (what a concept!) versus just 'making a quick buck' or worrying about our bottom line. We are successful as a company because our products ACTUALLY WORK! Our marketing plan? Happy Customers!
The second biggest difference? We NEVER use CBD Isolate. First of all, there is no way of verifying where the Isolate actually came from - and that's a big problem for us. Secondly, the chance of there being residual solvents is VERY HIGH. What is better? Truly natural, truly RAW CBD that contains the naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and precious plant compounds from our very healthy Colorado hemp plants!
You will be so happy when you see, taste, and feel the difference with our super premium products!
Have you thought about trying CBD but are you worried about the type of product you may end up with? Have you tried a CBD product without feeling any positive difference, or did it actually make you feel unwell?
Most CBD products are "white-labeling" their products from companies with unknown origins and traceability. They simply "slap a label" on the product and sell it to people. They don't know where their hemp was grown, they don't know how it was processed, they don't know what level of care was put into it - they don't even know if there is really CBD in it.
In addition to that, most CBD products are using CBD isolate - which is less expensive and far 'easier' to work with. This allows companies to put more CBD into a product (but more is definitely not equal to BETTER - as a matter of fact, over-doing it on plant-based medicines can actually shut OFF the systems you are trying to activate). The chances of having residual solvents (many of them neurotoxins) in a CBD isolate product is very high.
At That's Natural, you will see, feel, and experience the difference with our premium products. We ONLY use true, raw, full-spectrum oil (nothing is taken out and nothing is added back in - it is NATURAL) and this helps our customers experience the Entourage Effect. Our products are safe and effective because we keep them natural - we know our farmers and we know exactly how our oil was extracted - using ONLY Supercritical CO2 Extraction and NEVER using solvents. Try a premium and trusted product today!