CBD for Shoulder Pain - As Heard From a That's Natural Customer

| in As Heard From Customers, Customer Feedback, Inflammation, Testimonials |

That's Natural CBD Super Salve for pain from surgery... At That's Natural, we are grateful to hear from our customers across the country who are experiencing real results with our premium CBD Oil products!  

 CBD for pain, CBD for shoulder pain - hemp-derived CBD, legal in all 50 States, That's Natural CBD for internal use - legal hemp CBD Entourage Effect , That's Natural Super Salve - CBD-Rich Super Salve (300mg CBD per 2 oz tin) - This moisture-locking salve will stay on your skin and provide maximum skin relief.  Ingredients include hydrating Organic Beeswax, nourishing Organic Shea Butter, soothing Organic Lavender and major moisture-enhancing oils like Organic Olive, Jojoba, and Coconut.

A customer called in to re-order our That’s Natural Super Salve.  She explained that she had surgery on her shoulder and now had a screw implemented that would often cause her pain.  Her doctor had prescribed her a ‘pain relief cream’ but she was afraid to take it because of all the side-effects.  A friend had introduced her to our Super Salve and she said that it worked fantastic and she didn’t have to worry about what she was putting onto her skin! 


If you want to experience the Entourage Effect, we believe it is imperative that you preserve the naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes that exist in healthy hemp plants.  To do this, would seem simple, but so many people in the industry have taken steps to refine and adulterate their product to make it “more potent”.  Nature’s potency isn’t qualified by quantity, but QUALITY.

At That’s Natural, we never take anything out of our oil and we never add anything back in - the CBD-rich (and other cannabinoids and terpenes as well) hemp oil that we use is raw.  We never use dangerous chemical solvents to refine our product and we never adulterate our oil with foreign-sourced terpenes.  WE NEVER USE CBD ISOLATE. Our product is as natural as you can get.

Leaving the CBD-rich oil in its natural raw form allows the intelligence and abundance of nature to work her magic using the precious plant compounds that exist in these Colorado hemp plants!  Nature knows how to build immunity and strength, and that is what matters for your Endocannabinoid System!

You will see, smell, taste, and FEEL the difference, as noted by our thousands of customers across the country.  Again - it isn’t about QUANTITY, it is about QUALITY.  That’s Natural products are raw, pure, potent, and trusted.  We hope you will give them a try!